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Ichthyostega_Matsui_BS 6
Ichthyostega_Matsui_BS 7
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12,36 €
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Estimated Duration
11 - 15min

ISMN : 979-0-2325-0463-6

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Notes on this piece
Ichthyostega is one of the oldest known amphibians, which evolved from Sarcopterygii at the end of the Devonian. On the one hand, all Tetrapoda (four-footed land vertebrates: amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) developed from Ichthyostega and its relatives (Ichthyostegalia). On the other hand, the closest relatives of Ichthyostega stayed in the fish form and survived until today as a famous living fossils - coelacanth and Dipnoi. The two dynamic elements - crescendo and decrescendo - be used as a main theme in this work. These symbolize the energy of the two directions of evolution - on the one hand to Tetrapoda (crescendo), on the other hand to fish form (decrescendo) Ichthyostega is one of the oldest known amphibians, which evolved from Sarcopterygii at the end of the Devonian. On the one hand, all Tetrapoda (four-footed land vertebrates: amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) developed from Ichthyostega and its relatives (Ichthyostegalia). On the other hand, the closest relatives of Ichthyostega stayed in the fish form and survived until today as a famous living fossils - coelacanth and Dipnoi. The two dynamic elements - crescendo and decrescendo - be used as a main theme in this work. These symbolize the energy of the two directions of evolution - on the one hand to Tetrapoda (crescendo), on the other hand to fish form (decrescendo).  
Flute| Clarinet| Bass Clarinet| Piano| Violin (2)| Viola| Cello|
Ensemble der University Mozarteum Salzburg
Ji?í Rože? - conductor
Score Details
Format - A3 / Tabloid
Pages - 23

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