Karlheinz Essl
Play all audio recordingsBorn in Vienna, 15 Aug 1960. Austrian composer, performer, improviser, media artist and composition teacher.
Karlheinz Essl attended the Vienna Musikhochschule (197987), where he studied composition with Friedrich Cerha and electro-acoustic music with Dieter Kaufmann. He also studied musicology and art history at the University of Vienna (doctorate 1989 with his thesis Das Synthese-Denken bei Anton Webern). Active as a double bassist until 1984, he played in chamber and experimental jazz ensembles. As a composer he has contributed to the Projekt 3 composition programming environment of Gottfried Michael Koenig at Utrecht and Arnheim (1988-89) which later transformed into his own Real Time Composition Library (RTC-lib) for Max/MSP/Jitter.
Essl also served as composer-in-residence at the Darmstadt summer courses (1990-94) and at IRCAM (Paris, 1992-1993). Between 1995-2006 he taught Algorithmic Composition at the Studio for Advanced Music & Media Technology at the Bruckner University, Linz. Since 2007, he is professor of composition for electro-acoustic and experimental music at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts. Since 1992, he acts as the music curator of the Essl Museum in Klosterneuburg / Vienna.
Karlheinz Essl attended the Vienna Musikhochschule (197987), where he studied composition with Friedrich Cerha and electro-acoustic music with Dieter Kaufmann. He also studied musicology and art history at the University of Vienna (doctorate 1989 with his thesis Das Synthese-Denken bei Anton Webern). Active as a double bassist until 1984, he played in chamber and experimental jazz ensembles. As a composer he has contributed to the Projekt 3 composition programming environment of Gottfried Michael Koenig at Utrecht and Arnheim (1988-89) which later transformed into his own Real Time Composition Library (RTC-lib) for Max/MSP/Jitter.
Essl also served as composer-in-residence at the Darmstadt summer courses (1990-94) and at IRCAM (Paris, 1992-1993). Between 1995-2006 he taught Algorithmic Composition at the Studio for Advanced Music & Media Technology at the Bruckner University, Linz. Since 2007, he is professor of composition for electro-acoustic and experimental music at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts. Since 1992, he acts as the music curator of the Essl Museum in Klosterneuburg / Vienna.
Featured Pieces
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Karlheinz Essl
Karlheinz Essl
Karlheinz Essl
Karlheinz Essl
Results 1 - 7 of 7
Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )
Hypostasis (2010)
Rudiments (1990)
Proportional Circles 2314 (1987)
Abolition... (1989)
Ex machina (2002)
Hypostasis (2010)
Proportional Circles 2314 (1987)
Rudiments (1990)
Sequitur XI (2009)
Space Art Transmission (1991)
Ex machina (2002)
Hypostasis (2010)
Proportional Circles 2314 (1987)
Rudiments (1990)
Sequitur XI (2009)
Space Art Transmission (1991)