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Results 5761 - 5856 of 8513
Una historia donde nieva fuera
About a poem by Pilar Martín Gila
9,27 €
Nada queda al despertar
For flute, baritone saxophone and piano
10,30 €
While You Were Sleeping, I Opened the Door and Walked Out Into a Warm Night
for flute, harp and viola Commissioned...
11,33 €
Brief Conversations on Nocturnal Roofs
for guitar Duration 9 min.
7,21 €
four mouvements and an intermezzo on dichotomies and continua
for guitar quartet
11,33 €
La mesure des choses IV. La mesure du temps
pour percussioniste
8,00 €
Una noche en un jardín de neón
pour accordéon, violon et violoncelle
9,27 €
A pink elephant in a room
pour clarinette basse et électronique
7,21 €
Old Age, Adolescence, and Infancy
For Bass Clarinet, Cello, and Electric...
7,52 €