Piezas ordenadas por año. Los trabajos mas recientes aparecen primero
for orchestra with fixed-media electronic sound
Jeff Treviño
for Eb Clarinet, Harp, and Piano
Jeff Treviño
for one percussionist
Jeff Treviño
for piano and two loudspeakers
Jeff Treviño
for two percussionists
Jeff Treviño
for solo violin
Jeff Treviño
for four contrabasses
Jeff Treviño
for Bb Bass Clarinet
Jeff Treviño
for string quartet
Jeff Treviño
Consumer Affect Simulation I
Jeff Treviño
for one percussionist
Jeff Treviño
for tenor saxophone
Jeff Treviño
for Bb Bass Clarinet, Percussion, and Cello
Jeff Treviño
for one flute
Jeff Treviño
for amplified tuba and two pre-recorded amplified tubas
Jeff Treviño
Resultados 1 - 15 de 15
Ensamble (Instrumentos o Voces) y Medios Electrónicos Fijos
How to Build Fences and Gates for orchestra with fixed-media electronic sound (2014)
Grupo de Cámara ( 2 - 4 instrumentos )
The World All Around for Eb Clarinet, Harp, and Piano (2013)
Perfection Factory for two percussionists (2008)
Binary Experiment for James Tenney for four contrabasses (2006)
Forty-Two Statcoulombs for string quartet (2006)
Zoetropes for Bb Bass Clarinet, Percussion, and Cello (2005)
Solista (Instrumento o Voz) y Medios Electrónicos Fijos
Being Pollen for one percussionist (2011)
Wolkenwagen for piano and two loudspeakers (2009)
Eight Legs Each for amplified tuba and two pre-recorded amplified tubas (2004)
Instrumento Solo
To Stop the Theft of Your Identity, Call for solo violin (2008)
Unit for Convenience and Better Living 003 for Bb Bass Clarinet (2006)
Substitute Judgment for one percussionist (2005)
Mobile for tenor saxophone (2005)
Coming and Going for one flute (2004)
Ensamble (Instrumentos o Voces) y Electrónica en Tiempo Real
Mexican Apple Soda Consumer Affect Simulation I (2006)
Being Pollen for one percussionist (2011)
Binary Experiment for James Tenney for four contrabasses (2006)
Coming and Going for one flute (2004)
Eight Legs Each for amplified tuba and two pre-recorded amplified tubas (2004)
Forty-Two Statcoulombs for string quartet (2006)
How to Build Fences and Gates for orchestra with fixed-media electronic sound (2014)
Mexican Apple Soda Consumer Affect Simulation I (2006)
Mobile for tenor saxophone (2005)
Perfection Factory for two percussionists (2008)
Substitute Judgment for one percussionist (2005)
The World All Around for Eb Clarinet, Harp, and Piano (2013)
To Stop the Theft of Your Identity, Call for solo violin (2008)
Unit for Convenience and Better Living 003 for Bb Bass Clarinet (2006)
Wolkenwagen for piano and two loudspeakers (2009)
Zoetropes for Bb Bass Clarinet, Percussion, and Cello (2005)
Binary Experiment for James Tenney for four contrabasses (2006)
Coming and Going for one flute (2004)
Eight Legs Each for amplified tuba and two pre-recorded amplified tubas (2004)
Forty-Two Statcoulombs for string quartet (2006)
How to Build Fences and Gates for orchestra with fixed-media electronic sound (2014)
Mexican Apple Soda Consumer Affect Simulation I (2006)
Mobile for tenor saxophone (2005)
Perfection Factory for two percussionists (2008)
Substitute Judgment for one percussionist (2005)
The World All Around for Eb Clarinet, Harp, and Piano (2013)
To Stop the Theft of Your Identity, Call for solo violin (2008)
Unit for Convenience and Better Living 003 for Bb Bass Clarinet (2006)
Wolkenwagen for piano and two loudspeakers (2009)
Zoetropes for Bb Bass Clarinet, Percussion, and Cello (2005)