Claudia Jane Scroccaro

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Ensemble Choral

On the Edge for 6 soloists, choir an electronics (2024)
On the Ning Nang Nong Where the Cows go Bong ! for double choir (2022)

Groupe de Chambre (2 - 4 instruments)

Overdrive for Bass Clarinet, Double Bass and Piano (2020)

Instruments et électronique

I sing the body electric for double bass and electronics (2020)

Instrument Solo

[S]toccata for piano solo (2019)

Ensemble de Chambre (5 - 9 instruments)

The Consequent Being for E-guitar, trumpet, trombone, cello, piano and two percussionists (2019)
I sing the body electric for double bass and electronics (2020)
On the Edge for 6 soloists, choir an electronics (2024)
On the Ning Nang Nong Where the Cows go Bong ! for double choir (2022)
Overdrive for Bass Clarinet, Double Bass and Piano (2020)
The Consequent Being for E-guitar, trumpet, trombone, cello, piano and two percussionists (2019)
[S]toccata for piano solo (2019)