Helga Arias Parra

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Helga Arias Parra was born in Spain in 1984. She obtained her piano diploma in the city of Ganada and some years later she got a degree in the speciality of composition at the Real Conservatorio de Musica Victoria Eugenia of the same city.
She studied her last year of the composition degree at the Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi in Milan, thanks to a scholarship. There she worked together with the Italian composer Mario Garuti, obtaining the highest marks.
At the same time she has taken part in several course such as the “Curso Internacional de composición de Villafranca del Bierzo” with Cristóbal Halffter, Tomás Marco and Alberto Posadas: the “Cátedra Manuel de Falla de composición” with Javier Álvarez and the ensemble “Taller Sonoro” or the “Seminario Permanente de Composición de Valencia” with Alberto Posadas and the “Grup Instrumental de València”.
She has also participated in some international masterclass with Daniel Teruggi, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Pablo Heras or Javier Torres Maldonado.
Among the scholarships she ha obtained we find the DAAD,given in 2001 by the German Government and the Neederlandse Taalunie, awarded by Belgian Ministry of Education.
She has recently been awarded with in the international contest “Città di Udine” as well as in the EMUFEST of Roma or the RCSM Victoria Eugenia de Granada contest for Symphonic Orchestra.
She is currently living and working in Switzerland and studying a master in electronic music in northern Italy.
Besides she has a degree in Translation and Interpreting by the University of Granada.
Tri par année. Les pièces les plus recentes apparaissent d'abord

Groupe de Chambre (2 - 4 instruments)

A Common Sense of Self For flute, clarinet, cello and piano (2018)
Milk Spilt on a Stone Milk Spilt on a Stone (2017)
Konturen I Konturen I (2014)

Musique Instrumentale

A Common Sense of Self For flute, clarinet, cello and piano (2018)
A Common Sense of Self (Quintet version) (2018)
#YouToo? #YouToo? (2018)
Konturen I Konturen I (2014)
Four morphologies for orchestra (2012)

Quatuor de Saxophones

Milk Spilt on a Stone Milk Spilt on a Stone (2017)

Ensemble (Instruments ou voix) et électronique en temps réel

Astraglossa Ensemble Version (2016)

Soliste (Instrument ou voix) et électronique en temps réel

Astraglossa or first steps in celestial Syntax (2016)
Bell from Hell for harp and live electronics (2015)
Cellolar synthesis (2012)

Voix et instruments

Incipit omaggio a G.B. Pergolesi (2015)

Dispositif électroacoustique

19 Knives (2013)

Ensemble de Chambre (5 - 9 instruments)

Anima Mundi Anima Mundi (2016)
Clash! (2013)
End run (2013)
Confluencias (2012)

Orchestre Symphonique

Four morphologies for orchestra (2012)
#YouToo? #YouToo? (2018)
19 Knives (2013)
A Common Sense of Self For flute, clarinet, cello and piano (2018)
A Common Sense of Self (Quintet version) (2018)
Anima Mundi Anima Mundi (2016)
Astraglossa Ensemble Version (2016)
Astraglossa or first steps in celestial Syntax (2016)
Bell from Hell for harp and live electronics (2015)
Cellolar synthesis (2012)
Clash! (2013)
Confluencias (2012)
End run (2013)
Four morphologies for orchestra (2012)
Incipit omaggio a G.B. Pergolesi (2015)
Konturen I Konturen I (2014)
Milk Spilt on a Stone Milk Spilt on a Stone (2017)