Juan José Eslava
Play all audio recordingsTEACHING
Composition and Orchestration in Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón, Spain (currently).
Electroacoustic Composition in Conservatorio Superior de Navarra (until 2019)
and in Conservatorio Superior de Salamanca (until 2013)
Fulfilled projects
Commissions by the BBVA Foundation, Li(Luo) dance company, André Malraux cultural center, Fund. Author/AEOS, Fund. Pablo Sarasate, CNDM, Plural Ensemble, ORCAM, Quincena Musical, Grupo Enigma.
“Robar Belleza”, Commissioned by the collective E7.2, (collaboration with the choreographer Bertha Bermúdez and NeoPercusión ensemble)
“Sin horizonte”, for mesotonic accordion. Commissioned by Ander Tellería.
"Scapeland", for piano, cello, gestures and words. Commissioned by Alberto Rosado and David Apellániz
- "desprendida voz", for txistu, accordion, percussion and electronics. Commissioned by Trio Zukan
- “el tercero es la sombra”, for quintet (flute, bass clarinet, violon, celo, piano). Commissioned by Grupo Enigma
- "shut down", for guitar and koto. Commissioned by Norio Sato and Kimura Maya
- "máscaras" (solo electronics, octaphonic system)
- “Oteiza”: A work on the sculptor, poet and essayist Jorge Oteiza. For ensemble, basse and electronics. Commissioned by the Collective E72 and Ópera de Cámara de Navarra. First performance by Nicholas Isherwood, Nacho de Paz, Ensemble E7.2, Ángel Faraldo, Pablo Ramos, Ópera de Cámara de Navarra, Museo de la Universidad de Navarra, Spain.
Works in progress
“canta madera, grita!”, for solo amplified bass marimba. Commissioned by Juanjo Guillén (Neopercusión)
[no title] for voice and electronics. Commissioned by Nicholas Isherwood
"MotoAusculpt": for a Guzzi motorcycle and electronics. For two or three percussionists
"en la piel de la cuerda". For alto solo.
World New Music Days, Labirinti sonori, Time-of-Music, Seoul International Computer Music Festival, ICMC, World Saxophone Congress, Puentes, Jornadas Argentinas de Música Contemporánea, Résonnances, festival d’Art Lyrique d’Aix-en-Provence, Ensems, Punto de Encuentro, Son, Musikaste, Contemporary Music Circuit of Euskadi, International Festival of Alicante, and concert halls such as the Tokyo Opera City, Kunitachi College of Music, Ircam, La Croix du Nord (Paris), Instituto Cervantes (Paris, Tokyo), Auditorio Nacional de Madrid, Auditorio 400, Teatros del Canal and others.
International Computer Music Conference’s prix to the best European work (2008); Finalist in the Transitio International Festival of Electronic art (Mexico)
Collaborations with Ircam (Paris) and the Kunitachi College of Music (Tokyo)
Aid to the International Mobility of the City of Madrid (2008)
Ritmos infantiles: tejidos de un paisaje interior (Octaedro, 2007)
Ritmos infantis: tecidos de uma paisagem interior (revised) (Pedro % João, 2020)
Horors (fronteras). Ander Tellería (Cezanne, 2020. Melómano de Oro 2020-09) and Musika Bulegoa Prix 2021
Truths. The saxophone in the early 21st Century. Ángel Soria (Ibs* classical, 2017)
Utopías. New music for saxophone quartet. Sigma Project (Sigma records, 2013)
Momentos: cantos entre balbuceos. Incidental music for video (UPNA, 2002)
Composition studies at the National Superior Conservatory of Paris, the High Conservatory of Music of Aragon, IRCAM (Composition Cursus of Computer Music), Royaumont-Voix-Nouvelles Foundation, Centre Acanthes, Veruela, Szombathely, Composition academy of Festival d'Aix-en-Provence (France).
Research degree from the Public University of Navarra in the field of musical pedagogy.
Claude Ballif, Emmanuel Nunes, Gérard Grisey, Michael Lévinas, Marc-André Dalbavie, Luis Naon, José Manuel López-López, Philippe Manoury, Philippe Leroux, Tristan Murail, Brian Ferneyhough, Jonathan Harvey, Mikhail Malt
Soliste (Instrument ou voix) et électronique fixée
Cuerpo Abierto for bass-baritone, electroacoustic and an actor (2022)
Under Construction for acoustic guitar and electronics (2009)
Skin's Traces for frame-drum and electronics. Dediated to Rie Watanabe (2007)
El umbral de una línea For saxophones (one player: Baritone, tenor, soprano) and electronics (2006)
Instrument Solo
De Cerca para gran piano de cola. (2022)
Sin horizonte para acordeón mesotónico (2018)
Ensemble (Instruments ou voix) et électronique fixée
Desprendida voz para txistu, acordeón, percusión y electrónica (2022)
L'Oeil for saxophone quartet (Soprano; Tenor/Soprano; Baritone; Bass) and electronics. (2010)
Ensemble de Chambre (5 - 9 instruments)
El tercero es la sombra for quintet (flute, bass clarinet, violin, cello, piano) (2020)
La acústica de la chirimoya Para flauta, clarinete bajo, trompa, cello, percusión y piano. (2013)
Groupe de Chambre (2 - 4 instruments)
Shut Down for 25 strings koto and guitar (2019)
ScapeLand for piano and cello. (2018)
Suave Ubicuidad for flute, bass clarinet and cello (2011)
Orchestre Symphonique
Senderos de la risa For symphonic orchestra, electronics, 5 voices and wind quartet (2011)
De Cerca para gran piano de cola. (2022)
Desprendida voz para txistu, acordeón, percusión y electrónica (2022)
El tercero es la sombra for quintet (flute, bass clarinet, violin, cello, piano) (2020)
El umbral de una línea For saxophones (one player: Baritone, tenor, soprano) and electronics (2006)
L'Oeil for saxophone quartet (Soprano; Tenor/Soprano; Baritone; Bass) and electronics. (2010)
La acústica de la chirimoya Para flauta, clarinete bajo, trompa, cello, percusión y piano. (2013)
Nozarashi for 16 voices and three percussionists. (2012)
Oteiza monodrama about Jorge Oteiza's artistic work. (2019)
ScapeLand for piano and cello. (2018)
Senderos de la risa For symphonic orchestra, electronics, 5 voices and wind quartet (2011)
Shut Down for 25 strings koto and guitar (2019)
Sin horizonte para acordeón mesotónico (2018)
Skin's Traces for frame-drum and electronics. Dediated to Rie Watanabe (2007)
Suave Ubicuidad for flute, bass clarinet and cello (2011)
Under Construction for acoustic guitar and electronics (2009)