Pedram Diba

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Instruments et électronique

Pazhvak Astaneh for viola, electronics, and lights (2024)
As Close As Breath for violin and electronics (2021)
For it is Our First Universe for piano, electronics, and lights (2021)

Musique Instrumentale

Echoing Voices of Unity for piano (2023)
Different Same for six musicians (2022)
Æshkal for bassoon and horn (2021)
Symbiosis for horn and piano (2018)

Ensemble de Chambre (5 - 9 instruments)

Different Same for six musicians (2022)
Reaching for the Unreachable Point of Desire for mixed quartet (2020)

Soliste (Instrument ou voix) et électronique fixée

As Close As Breath for violin and electronics (2021)

Ensemble (Instruments ou voix) et électronique fixée

For it is Our First Universe for piano, electronics, and lights (2021)

Groupe de Chambre (2 - 4 instruments)

Æshkal for bassoon and horn (2021)
Symbiosis for horn and piano (2018)

As Close As Breath for violin and electronics (2021)
Different Same for six musicians (2022)
Echoing Voices of Unity for piano (2023)
For it is Our First Universe for piano, electronics, and lights (2021)
Pazhvak Astaneh for viola, electronics, and lights (2024)
Reaching for the Unreachable Point of Desire for mixed quartet (2020)
Symbiosis for horn and piano (2018)
Wi(th-e)Red Tree for wind symphony (2019)
Æshkal for bassoon and horn (2021)