Tri par année. Les pièces les plus recentes apparaissent d'abord
for 12 instruments and conductor
Maya Miro Johnson
for organ and video
Maya Miro Johnson
for electroacoustic metainstrument
Maya Miro Johnson
for solo violin and prerecorded Gaga class
Maya Miro Johnson
for violin and piano
Maya Miro Johnson
Maya Miro Johnson
for oboe and video
Maya Miro Johnson
Part I
Maya Miro Johnson
for 31-piece chamber orchestra with offstage players
Maya Miro Johnson
Résultats 1 à 9 sur 9
Musique et Vidéo
Spooky Action at a Distance for organ and video (2021)
Bodypolitik for oboe and video (2020)
Soliste (Instrument ou voix) et électronique fixée
Dance Suite for solo violin and prerecorded Gaga class (2020)
Ensemble (Instruments ou voix) et électronique fixée
When icarus fell, was there a splash? Part I (2019)
Grand Ensemble (20 - 35 instruments)
Wherever you go, there you are for 31-piece chamber orchestra with offstage players (2018)
Bodypolitik for oboe and video (2020)
Corps for 12 instruments and conductor (2021)
Dance Suite for solo violin and prerecorded Gaga class (2020)
Life after death? - (2020)
Spooky Action at a Distance for organ and video (2021)
The Negation of Art for violin and piano (2020)
When icarus fell, was there a splash? Part I (2019)
Wherever you go, there you are for 31-piece chamber orchestra with offstage players (2018)
Zugswang a) for electroacoustic metainstrument (2021)
Corps for 12 instruments and conductor (2021)
Dance Suite for solo violin and prerecorded Gaga class (2020)
Life after death? - (2020)
Spooky Action at a Distance for organ and video (2021)
The Negation of Art for violin and piano (2020)
When icarus fell, was there a splash? Part I (2019)
Wherever you go, there you are for 31-piece chamber orchestra with offstage players (2018)
Zugswang a) for electroacoustic metainstrument (2021)