Résultats 1 à 60 sur 8538
Avez Vous Trouvé Ce Que Vous Cherchiez?
Piece for ensemble of nine...
12,00 €
...prepoznaćeš me po sjaju...
(...you will know me by luster...)
8,24 €
Arabesque (Арабеска)
for bass flute, soprano saxophone,...
9,00 €
Black water before dawn (Чёрная вода перед рассветом)
some impressions for viola da gamba
8,00 €
Concerto Pour Piano et Ensemble
Piano and ensemble (12 players)
14,42 €
Sangue Inverso (III): Obsidiana (A)
for flute, clarinet and piano
10,00 €
The Gams in the Reflections (Игры в отражениях)
for piano and any 4 musical instruments
Poser une question
White Noise (Белый шум)
For flute, clarinet, violin and cello
9,00 €
"(...) una persecución en la sombra"
for voice (mezzo), violin, violoncello...
12,36 €
"...parecen querer decirnos algo..."
para 18 instrumentos
12,36 €
"...sul divenire"
for flute, clarinet (also Bass Cl.),...
7,52 €