Jon Mostad

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Master of Divinity 1965. University studies of music finished 1969. Studied composition at the Norwegian Academy of Music 1971-74 with Finn Mortensen. Important during the Academy studies was also a private seminar on sonology lead by Olav Anton Thommessen.
J.M.’s music has been played at the Drtington International Summer School, Totnes, England, Bergen International Festival, Music Factory and Autunnale in Bergen, Nordic Music Days in Oslo, Stockholm and Helsinki, and has been broadcast by Norwegian state radio and TV, Swedish, Yugoslav and Finnish radio and the BBC. Those who have commissioned works from M. include Norw. State broadcasting  (radio and TV), Amsterdams Gitaartrio, Oslo Sinfonietta, and Nidaros Cathedral Choir, Trondheim. Some of his music is published by Cantando (choral music only) and Norsk Musikforlag AS.
For many years, Mostad worked  as a teacher in the secondary school system. On voluntary basis he is active in different kinds of Christian work.
A more detailed biography on his website.

Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first

Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )

Lead, Kindly Light for guitar, cello, and accordion (2022)
String Quartet No 3 String quartet (2019)

Solo Instrument

Musical Icons for guitar (2021)
Five for One for cello solo (2016)
Two Miniatures for organ (2014)
Two Sketches and a Landscape for piano (1982)

String Quartet

String Quartet No 3 String quartet (2019)

Orchestral Music

His Face Was Like the Sun for wind ensemble (2010)
Towards Balance for orchestra (1978)


Concerto for Cello and Orchestra (1990)
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra (1990)
Five for One for cello solo (2016)
His Face Was Like the Sun for wind ensemble (2010)
Lead, Kindly Light for guitar, cello, and accordion (2022)
Musical Icons for guitar (2021)
String Quartet No 3 String quartet (2019)
Towards Balance for orchestra (1978)
Two Miniatures for organ (2014)
Two Sketches and a Landscape for piano (1982)