Luis-Miguel Delgado-Grande
Play all audio recordingsColombian musician, music theory university teacher assistant and composer.
Luis Miguel was born on Oct. 02, 1990. He first studied composition with the Colombian composer Blas Emilio Atehortúa, while finishing his studies in Universidad Industrial de Santander. In 2014 he started his studies at Centro Superior Katarina Gurska. He has taken classes with Alberto posadas, José Luis Torá, Aureliano Cattaneo, Beat Furrer, Pierluigi Billone, Raphael Cendo, Maria Cecilia Villanueva, Oscar Bianchi, Francesca Verunelli, among others.
He has participated as composer in several events such as: “Festival Festiqartetos” for string quartets and composers (Bogotá, Colombia 2016); “Festival Distat Terra” for young composers (Argentina 2016); Festival “Mixtur" (Barcelona, 2017), Jornadas de música nueva (Asunción, Paraguay 2017.) VI St. Petersburg International New Music Festival (St. Petersburg, 2019). 4th International Young Composers Academy of Ticino Musica Festival (Lugano 2020). Moreover, his works have been programmed and commissioned in many places like Boston, Chicago, Barcelona, Belgrade, Madrid, Moscow, Asunción, Bogotá, and Mexico city; by varied ensembles and artists such as: the Sigma-Project Saxophone Quartet (Spain), Ensemble Cepromusic (Mexico), Quatuor Diotima (France) Robin Meiksins (USA), Lorelei Dowling (Klangforum Vien), Boston Microtonal Society, Chirchan Larson, Quartetto Maurice (Italy), The Construction Site Contemporary Music Ensemble ( Serbia), TACETi Ensemble (Thailand), Ensamble la Sociedad (Colombia) among others.
In 2011 he won the 1st prize at the Beca Bicentenario (Santander 2011). In 2017 he was awarded by the Ministry of Culture of Colombia with an artistic residence with CEPROMUSIC Ensemble in Mexico city, in 2018 he was selected by the National Center of Contemporary Arts in Nizhni Nòvgorod, Rusia for the Binational Colombia-Russia concert, and the 27th International Review of Composers in Belgrade, Serbia. In 2019 he was awarded with an artistic residence with Copiuensemble for the Germina.Cciones, primaveras latinoamericanas program, supported by Ibermúsicas. He has received scholarships from the government of Santander in Colombia and the Ticino Musica Academy.
Soloist (Instrument or Voice) and Fixed Electronic Media
Draga For Marimba and Fixed Electronics (2022)
Solo Instrument
Cesonia y el espejo For Soprano saxophone (2021)
Cargado de sombras for two violins (2021)
Memorias de lo efímero For Alto saxophone (2019)
Soma For solo flute (2016)
Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )
Transfecciones II For string quartet (2020)
Estudio de la luz For saxophone quartet (2018)
Hálitos For flute, violin and double bass (2017)
Anãtman For bassoon and violoncello (2015)
Ãtman (2017) For Ensemble (2017)
Cargado de sombras for two violins (2021)
Cesonia y el espejo For Soprano saxophone (2021)
Draga For Marimba and Fixed Electronics (2022)
Estudio de la luz For saxophone quartet (2018)
Hálitos For flute, violin and double bass (2017)
Memorias de lo efímero For Alto saxophone (2019)
Soma For solo flute (2016)
Transfecciones II For string quartet (2020)