Results 1 - 96 of 295
String Quartet
Play audio recordings of these pieces...but their stillness showed plainly... (version for string quartet)
for string quartet
9,27 €
5th String Quartet - TonArt Version
semi-improvisational elements
9,00 €
A Drunk Man Will Find His Way Home, But A Drunk Bird May Get Lost Forever
For String Quartet
9,27 €
Cuarteto de Cuerdas No.1
Resonancia y batimiento en torno a una...
10,00 €
Cuarteto de Cuerdas No.1
Resonancia y batimiento en torno a una...
10,00 €
De profundis clamavi (hommage à Alban Berg)
for string quartet and electronics...
9,27 €
de rerum natura I “el leñador”
for amplified string quartet + video
9,27 €