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Vocal Music
Play audio recordings of these pieces"(...) una persecución en la sombra"
for voice (mezzo), violin, violoncello...
12,36 €
(On) The Other Side of The Skin
for Soli, Choir, Orchestra and...
18,00 €
...aux nuits blêmes de demain
sept poèmes de François Rannou pour...
11,33 €
...but those the silent feel are beautiful
for soprano, ensemble and electronics
12,36 €
per voce, coro e orchestra
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2003 ( Goffredo Petrassi in memoriam )
per voce e sette strumenti
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6 Canções a teus pés, para soprano e piano
6 songs at your feet, for soprano and...
8,00 €
a thread of quiet words, city fragments and black steps
for amplified vocal quintet (SSATB)
12,00 €
per soprano (o mezzosoprano), violino,...
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Ah Le happy birtHday
per soprano, clarinetto basso, violino,...
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per ensemble e soprano. Su un testo di...
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Another part of the heath. storm still
per ensemble vocale e strumentale
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Arcs en ciel de remparts
per orchestra ad organico variabile ed...
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per soprano e ensemble su testo tratto...
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Assetata ancora, due poesie di Jolanda Insana
for voice and ensemble
9,27 €
Attan’Datte II / 有ったんだって
for no voice and string quartet
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Aus tiefer (Luigi Nono in memorian)
per coro femminile e strumenti
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Babel III (immuable elle nous disait "au revoir")
pour voix de femme, cl, vl, vc et perc
15,45 €
Babel ou le jardin d'autrui
pour voix de femme et quatre instruments
15,45 €