Results 1 - 60 of 1872
Avez Vous Trouvé Ce Que Vous Cherchiez?
Piece for ensemble of nine...
12,00 €
"(...) una persecución en la sombra"
for voice (mezzo), violin, violoncello...
12,36 €
(Re)Visiting the Land of (Un)Known
for clarinet in B flat, violin, and...
9,00 €
... de la mente y de la lengua
for traverso flute, baroque violin,...
10,00 €
...à une main, hommage à Roger Federer
for solo violin and six musicians
12,36 €
...aux rêves les larmes des enfants...
for 23 instruments grouped in space
12,36 € ce qui est en lutte
for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and...
11,00 €
...the river flows, shaping a changing landscape...
For Nine Instruments
11,33 €
2003 ( Goffredo Petrassi in memoriam )
per voce e sette strumenti
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5th String Quartet - TonArt Version
semi-improvisational elements
9,00 €
64 self-portrait/micro-variations on a motive of Brahms
for vl, vla, vc and piano
10,30 €